Research topics
The Fédération de recherche Matière et interactions FeRMI brings together six fundamental physics and chemistry laboratories to strengthen research activities in the fields of theoretical physics and chemistry, atomic and molecular quantum systems, nanophysics and nanochemistry, solid state physics, materials and nanomaterials, and physics under extreme conditions (intense magnetic fields, very low temperatures etc.).
The six FeRMI member laboratories
Background and objectives
The result of the merger between the Institut de recherche sur les systèmes atomiques et moléculaires complexes (IRSAMC) and the Fédération de physique de la matière condensée (FPMC), FERMI is intended to perpetuate the collaborative dynamic between these six laboratories.
The aim of the federation is to strengthen the existing scientific interactions, based on the experience gained with the Labex NEXT (2011-2018) and the l’EUR NanoX (2019-2029) and to go beyond by promoting all the fundamental research work of its six laboratories.
The FERMI federation has a structuring role and is an interlocutor for the community with regard to local, territorial, national and international authorities.
The six laboratories of the federation are attached to the Ecole doctorale Sciences de la matière – ED SDM